Graphic Designer

INZEN - Visual Communication (Honours) Project

University students often suffer from study related stress and anxiety and often deal with these issues in a destructive manner.

My Honours project was developed in response to this issue of stress and anxiety in University students. The project aims to help students better understand and cope with stress and anxiety through the development of an integrated Transmedia campaign which utilises several media channels to deliver services and information to users, including a mobile app, product, care pack and website. The Transmedia campaign sits under the holistic brand INZEN. The campaign is designed to work as a preventative measure, and create behaviour change to encourage students to positively deal with stress and anxiety issues rather than dealing with them in a destructive manner. 

The project has been informed by research into the fields of User Experience Design (UX), Human Centred Design (HCD), Transmedia, Speculative Design and Branding design to inform my design approach. Research into the thematic of stress and anxiety, including causes, symptoms and relief of these issues, was also conducted to inform the content of the design deliverables. 

Watch the video to see an introduction to the INZEN campaign. 

The App contains exercises for destressing, information and tips as well as access to services, both locally and within the University itself. To view an interactive prototype click here.

The Care Pack contains several goodies to assist students with their stress and other issues.

Colour in postcards with pencils

A selection of specially selected tea bags with butterfly 'cup hug tag'

One of three motivational posters

An information and tips booklet

Meditation and yoga posters

The Product is a data logging necklace which allows you to monitor the effectiveness of your stress relief activities. This necklace is also completely customisation allowing the LED lights within the necklace charm to change colour and activity. 

The website is a simple portal where you are able to order the Care Pack and Product and gain a small amount of information.